
Beautiful frustration Enforced isolation Ignore your modern defences Restore your primitive senses

Look deep into these eyes As they penetrate your soul Send shivers through your body Let me take control

Escape to the hill Behind the reservoir Stay until the moon And the stars begin to shine Relinquish your protection Live forever in this moment

Beautiful frustration Enforced isolation Ignore your modern defences Restore your primitive senses

Look deep into these eyes As they penetrate your soul Send shivers through your body Let me take control

Escape to the hill Behind the reservoir Stay until the moon And the stars begin to shine Relinquish your protection Live forever in this moment Conjoined in perfect union Let hearts and minds entwine

Emit your radiation My only consolation Too near for your own good Desire says you should

And when lips touch your neck And we've never been so close Scent eau de naturelle Gonna react on impulse

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